Lots more to read!

Yeah right! Don’t all rush at once.

Anyway the point is I’ve managed to incorporate my three existing blogs into this one, so I guess I’ve now got the biggest blog in the Learning Lab! (As well as work stuff, it now includes entries from my public research diary and my private one  but those posts, which largely describe my field visits are only visible to me and supervisors.)

Actually i’m very impressed with how easy it is to export material from one WordPress blog and import it into another. Anyway, better do some proper work…

One thought on “Lots more to read!

  1. And here’s another new toy – this post should be associated with a Gravatar! (Globally Recognised Avatar) Essentially that’s a picture representing me that will appear when you want to comment on a blog post. If you want one go to http://www.gravatar.com

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