I described the process of laying out your view in my previous post. This, though is where it gets interesting. Portfolios.lincoln uses what are known as “blocks” to populate your views. Each block represents one or more artefacts in your portfolio and shows that artefact in the view. In this post, I’m going to look at the blocks you need to set up a simple CV.
Assuming you’re logged in, click “My Portfolio” and then “My views”. Then click the “Create view” button.
You’ll see the tabbed “blocks” menu across the top of the screen

You decide what you want to appear in this view of your portfolio by dragging the relevant block to the appropriate position in your layout.
In most views, you’ll want to include some information about yourself, so start by clicking the “profile” tab. This has five blocks, and we’ll look at them one by one.
Contact information
Profile information
Friends, Groups and Views.
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These three icons all work in exactly the same way. If you have added any friends, joined any groups, or created multiple views you can drag the relevant icon to your chosen layout column, and they will display a gallery of your friends, or a list of your groups and views.
You can either include your entire CV in a single block or you can control how it is displayed by a view by selecting which fields you want to display, and in which order.
If you want a slightly more sophisticated view, you can add single fields from your CV (e.g. Contact or Personal Information, employment history, education history, books and publications, personal academic or work skills) by dragging the
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